Our next stop was the town of Vladimir, which is famous for being the capital city of the Kiev Rus , one of the original cities of Russia. The town is also famous for being razed and taken over by Chingiss Khans grandson in the 1200s… so in around 15 days I traveled the same […]

So what does one do on a train for two days ? Honestly a whole lot of nothing. It became a cycle of napping, reading and watching things on the computer. I became even more grateful for the large amounts of media I brought with me. I read three books (one space opera , a […]

[SO I epically fail at posting as I travel, but I hope to make up for it over the next couple of days..] The distance between Ulaan Ude and Irkutsk is relatively short, so we opted for a night train that would get us to Irkutsk early the next morning. Each train transfer is slightly […]

I had taken the train before to see my host family earlier this year. But this last trip to the train station would be different . I would be leaving for good. The majority of my Peace Corps cohort had already peaced out , taking planes to their respective home of record or to travel […]

Now its time to admit it, I have finally left Mongolia. This blog is basically a snippet of what is to come (yes I’m still planning on posting… might as well when I’m still traveling ) . I hope to write more detailed posts in the future, but between two day s here and two […]

I’ve been thinking a while about how to write this ‘last post’ . The last post that would detail how I would leave site, the feelings that would spring from that, and the overall impression of my service. How I would feel about leaving this town and the people in it. Now that the moment […]

Yep. Its been a while. And since ever since returning back site, I feel like a tornado picked me up several weeks ago and I’ve just landed. Its all I can do sometimes to stare at my luggage and wonder where all this stuff I’ve accumulated over the last two years will go. Getting the […]

SO the last week has been a whirlwind. I flew back to site from attending the International Social Workers Conference in UB only to hit the ground running to prepare for an aimag (or province) level wide English teachers seminar. Organized by my amazing sitemate Christie and supported by the aimag educational department, some 50 […]

Here is another piece to my series of interviews with Mongolians to further understand Mongolian culture and history. A couple weeks ago I sat down with an incredible person, Uugii has always been incredibly helpful to me with projects and navigating Mongolian culture. I often helped her with her 6th grade class, and it was […]